Hi Patty, 
You sort of piqued my curiosity of what is going on in the zebra fish world and 
found this youtube, 6 minute film  
About what is going on at Welcome Trust Research on zebra fish but maybe you 
know all this already.  Anyway, I think the film is pretty neat with some 
incredible (not histology) but CONFOCAL slices through the fish.  We had 
success doing this by confocal on whole-mount but again when studying gene 
manipulation and cell signal distribution and wanting histology in embryo's, 
had better luck with GMA.  Paraffin as mentioned can certainly be done and  is 
certainly easier but we could never get the resolution or number of sections we 
desired using paraffin.  Maybe the people in lab from this film can give you 
some suggestions. 
Ray, retired in Seattle 

----- Original Message -----

From: koelli...@comcast.net 
To: "Patricia F Lott" <pl...@uab.edu> 
Cc: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 8:02:24 AM 
Subject: Re: [Histonet] zebrafish embryos histology 

did some zebrafish work years ago, either pure histology or sections after we 
did whole mount ISH on the embryo's.  As per Jack Ratliff's post, paraffin I 
found was really tough for orientation and for getting enough sections of such 
small embryo's.  But would use, as Jack suggested, JB-4 Plus and would get 
beautiful sections, many embryo's in a block and multiple sections per slide.  
What I would do is under a dissecting scope would, with a VERY fine tool, push 
the multiple embryo's into an ordered row with similar orientation in the 
unpolymerized GMA block.  Polymerize.  If I wanted longitudinal sections, cut 
the block as is.  If we wanted cross-sections, just gross cut the polymerized 
block and put it in a second GMA block of unpolymerized GMA and stand it up so 
the embryo's were on end and polymerize .  Was every individual embryo correct? 
 No!  But enough were so got great H&E sections or also seeing the ISH probe 
revealed at the cellular level. 
Ray, retired in Seattle 

----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Patricia F Lott" <pl...@uab.edu> 
To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2014 7:00:40 AM 
Subject: [Histonet] zebrafish embryos histology 

Can anyone give me a method for zebra-fish embryo histology?  The papers I've 
read show photos, but no description of histology in M & M.  I need to put 
several embryos in each block, and get the orientation correct, and put 
multiple sections on each slide, in hopes of getting one or two that are 
perfect.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 
Patty Lott 
UAB CMBD Core Lab 
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