Dear Merissa, 

Ray is correct about using serums with lectins.   In fact you really are NOT 
doing immunostaining unless you are using an antibody made to recognize that 
lectin e.g. anti-lectin therefore a normal serum block is not needed.    Serums 
in fact contain glycoproteins that bind to lectins, so BSA is a better protein 
carrier for buffers and diluents if you want to make up your own.  We used 
Jacksons immunoglobulin protease free BSA.   Ray gave good advice on blocking 
techniques.   However, if you do anti-Lectin, you would be doing IHC and then 
blocking is legal.   If you want a protocol for lectin IHC,  I will be happy to 
forward via private email.   With some lectins for direct staining,  you should 
use the Lectin buffer that has no phosphate ions, as explained by Vector 
technical services.   I also have a recipe for the Lectin buffer if you want 
it.   Avidin/biotin blocking is still needed with biotinylated lectin,  
particularly is the tissue is known to have endogenous biotin.  Be sure to find 
out if your lectin is sensitive to phosphate ions, or use TBS or the Lectin 
Also, if you are doing a non-IHC direct lectin-biotin staining, you must do the 
correct negative control.  For SNA, this is an elution with 500 mM lactose in 
buffered saline followed by 500 mM lactose in acetic acid to finish elution.    
Buffer alone is NOT a negative control.   For the lectins we worked with, we 
diluted the lectin (working concentration) in the recommended mM inhibition 
sugar and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight, warmed to RT just before 
use as negative control.   This allows the lectin to bind to its specific 
sugar, and not to glycoproteins in the tissue, but keeps the biotin, and in our 
case, fluorophore in the negative control.         

There is an excellent, inexpensive book, Lectin Histochemistry, a Concise 
Practical Handbook by SA Brooks, AJC Leathem and U Schumacher that tells all 
about using many lectins, protocols for lectin IHC and lectin direct binding 
staining.     An interesting side history is the founder of Vector is a lectin 

For those doing IHC with anti-lectin,  antigen retrieval may be needed per 
James Watson reply and is included in the Lectin IHC protocol I have.    I am 
presuming he was doing true IHC for his lectin work.  

Gayle Callis


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 10:53 AM
To: M.O.
Subject: Re: [Histonet] Staining FFPE with biotinylated SNA - how to block?

Hi Merissa, 

don't know if you got any private idea responses so I'll throw in my opinion.  
I would always worry about some of the things you are mentioning and that are 
standard thoughts regarding biotin block, retrieval, etc in IHC. 

But I would think about your serum, which I steadfastly avoided with SNA or any 
lectin I used.   Lectins look at glyco components and serum (or serum 
substitutes) can be full of glycoproteins and the target then is the blocking 
serum for your lectin which can cause bad background.  I did and would use 
washes, diluents, etc that had NO serum or milk or anything like that in them.  
You can make your own, completely free of potentially having glycoproteins or 
Vector sells some.  For some lectins (look at a list of target sugars) you 
maybe can get by with serum or milk and such to block but many I've found you 
just can't. 

Ray (still in, whoever would have guessed, once again rainy Seattle) 

----- Original Message -----

From: "M.O." <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 5:59:51 PM
Subject: [Histonet] Staining FFPE with biotinylated SNA - how to block? 

Hello Histonet! 

I ran a trial on FFPE mouse samples with a biotinylated lectin, SNA from 
vector.  The SNA is Biotinylated Sambucus Nigra Lectin (Elderberry).  I have 
never stained with anything like this, so I ran a test. 

I deparaffinized, blocked with NGS, incubated overnight at 4C with the diluted 
biotinylated SNA.  On the second day, I used Vector's ABC kit and alkaline 
phosphatase (red) kit. 

Once stained, I noticed a lot of background.  After looking into the blocking 
step, would a biotin/avidin blocking step be the correct step instead of a 
serum because I don't have a secondary?  How do I know what needs to be blocked 
- biotin, avidin or both?  Is there a way to do this without a kit and use 
solutions I may have in my lab? 

Thank you for your help! 

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