We validate our control blocks prior to patient use.  We label the slide with 
the stain, date, and results.  We keep the slides in a file for reference.  Our 
recent CAP inspection cited us on this because it was not documented on paper.  
I am considering challenging this, as I feel what we're doing meets the intent 
of the checklist question.
What are your opinions?

**NEW** 07/29/2013
ANP.21460 Special Stain Controls Phase I
Validated tissue controls are required for each special stain.
NOTE: Positive tissue controls assess the performance of the special stain. 
Special stains are
performed on sections of control tissue known to contain components specific to 
each special stain.
Validation of tissue used as a positive control must be performed and 
documented before being
used with clinical specimens.
Evidence of Compliance:
✓ Written results of special stain control tissue validation
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