What are you placing tissue blocks in before decalcification? We place blocks 
for decal in a jar of Bouin's Fixative from any time on Day 1, for specimens 
received in 10% NBF, until decalcification starts on Day 2. In other words, we 
gross specimens received in 10% NBF, then fix overnight in Bouin's, then begin 
decalcification the next morning. Two reasons for this - a decades-old 
reference, plus "we've always done it that way". We manually transfer the 
Bouin's-fixed blocks through graded alcohols to water, then use RDO as our 
decalcifying solution, then place in 10% NBF until blocks loaded on processor.

But, going with the current "everything is on the table" approach in our 
laboratory, we are looking closely at pre-decalcification fixation of Bone 
Marrow Biopsies in 10% NBF (previously Dacie's then AZF) and we are pulling 
back the focus to treating larger decal blocks i.e. femoral head sections and 
other bone specimens, in the same way.

Interested in your thoughts on pre-decalcification fixation....

Eric Gagnon MLT

Histology Laboratory

Kingston General Hospital

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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