Currently my lab is using Aqua-mount (Lerner Laboratories). I'm looking at 
replacing it with a different Aqueous mounting media. The only stain we use it 
for is Oil Red O.

I've tried many different variations on its use and the results have been the 

1)      The slide looks lovely the day that the coverslip is mounted and then 
dozens of bubbles form after. Sealing does not make a difference. Following 
company recommended procedure doesn't make a difference. Getting creative 
doesn't make a difference. Nothing seems to make a difference.

2)      We use a non-aqueous media surrounding the aqueous and post-coverslip 
the slide. This option is messy and cannot be re-coverslipped (for obvious 
reasons) if there is an air bubble. I'm sure that this wouldn't work at all 
with a more delicate stain.

Ok. I give up. Can anyone make a recommendation for a different aqueous 
mounting media?

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