We do this routinely at the Shriners Burns Hospital in Galveston when asked to 
look for fungi in infected burn wounds and provide a "rapid section" report.  
It works very well when the timing is carefully controlled by frequent visual 
inspection.  We use a paraffin section as a control.  We also run a tissue Gram 
stain on these samples and report the results in about two hours. 

From: Pedro Louro via Histonet [histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2015 11:31 AM
To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: [Histonet] GMS silver stain on frozen tissue

Hi everyone,

Has anyone experimented with performing a Grocott Methenamine Silver stain on 
frozen tissues?
I have a PI that is requesting this but I cannot find any literature on frozen 

Any help or ideas is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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