Angela, the Movat is a wonderful thing for showing  loss of elastic fibers in 
emphysema and cardiovascular cases. We ran a ton of them in training because 
our lab/histo school was affiliated with the Texas Heart Institute.
Currently at the hospital I work at we use a Kit(Polyscientific)  for the VVG 
part of the stain and Saffron du Galantis for the counterstain. It smells great 
when gently heated.
As far as remarks about a trichrome being able to show the same thing; yeah if 
you also run a VVG on a serial section to show elastic fibers  and you lose the 
awesomeness that is the Movat.

Forest Blankenship, HTL(ASCP)
Histology Manager
Driscoll Children's Hospital
Corpus Christ, TX

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