Hi Everyone,

I do a lot of DAB staining on relatively thick rat brain sections (40um). I 
have been using a really nice slide scanning system for publication quality 
images. Recently I acquired a really nice Olympus BH-2, it has great objectives 
pilfered from an old confocal microscope. I’m on the lookout for a used 
trinocular head so I can take pictures. We have two basic needs:

1) to provide a viewing screen so that more than one person can assess a 
section, going back and forth between 3-4 people becomes a pain.

2) I’d like to take mid-quality pictures for notebooks and to make decisions on 
which to image with more quality (so having my students send me pdfs of 

3) it would be fantastic if I could use some sort of wi-fi system to use with 
phones/tablets, etc. So we could easily share photos without a computer. 

4) cheap!

My thought is to go with any one of the super cheap cameras out there that have 
nice sharing features or buy a used camera that’s decent. I’d like to keep it 
under $500. I’ve seen used Zeiss color Axiocams, olympus DP70s, 10, 11, 12s, 
and then various infinity, spot, qimaging and coolsnap cameras. 

Any suggestions for keeping things inexpensive, but taking decent quality 
images thats good for archiving, sharing and generally assessing the tissue to 
decide which section to image for publications? What I don’t know is what it 
would cost to get any of these used cameras working, do I have to pay for extra 
cards (firewire, etc), controllers, and software?


Caroline Bass
Assistant Professor
University at Buffalo
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