Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, PhD asks about blood donation for money. I suppose
he's in the US. I don't think there's any paid donation of whole blood in
the US any more. This is probably a plasmapheresis center, where people
donate twice a week. The red blood cells are returned to the donor. Two
cycles of this are usually done at a session.

Many, though not all, plasma donors are pretty sleazy people. I'd ask the
plasma center first, then complain to local authorities about it. Most of
these plasma centers are franchise operations, and you could complain to
their managers also.

Most plasma products (derivatives) can be sterilized so they don't transmit
viruses. Or so we hope.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Maryville TN

> Close to where I leave, there is an establishment for blood "donations".
> Apparently, the establishment pays per donation. I hypothesize that the
> money explains why the place is generally "hopping" (today, ca. 8:30AM,
> there were ca, 25-30 cars parked in front of the establishment; Sunday
> mornings, same story). Regularly, I see trash out of the store (incl. blood
> splatter marks on the sidewalk, gauze, etc.).
> Can someone tell me:
> 1. Where can one find information of the internal operations of
> establishments like this?
> 2. Where can one report concerns about establishments like this?
> 3. More broadly, how can anyone *scientifically* tell whether the blood
> "donated" at those (or any other) establishments is "safe" for use by other
> humans?
> Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, PhD
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