Hi Lindsay, 

There are a few complications  that will automatically come up due to working 
with rabbit tissue, and also due to the antibody from Abcam that you are using. 

I called Abcam prior to emailing you on a hunch that I had and was correct. The 
antibody you purchased from Abcam is unconjugated and first needs to be 
conjugated to whatever method you’re going to use. You could conjugate the 
antibody yourself. I already reached out to Abcam. It’s going to take them a 
few business days to get back to me to see whether their own antibody can be 
conjugated for IHC if that’s the route you’re going to go. 

Keeping this email simple for a response to your question, it may be easier to 
use another detection method for conjugating this specific antibody to rabbit 
bone...possibly FITC conjugated tyramide labeling with Alexa-Fluor. 

If you are insistent on using HRP it may be easier to contact me and we can 
further discuss as there are easily two complications that will arise due to 
the antibody you chose to optimize with and the species you are trying to stain 

Since you left your lab number on your post, I called and left my phone number 
on the voicemail for the young Lab if you would like to discuss and 
troubleshoot over the phone. I can also be reached via email at work at 


Hematology Team Lead / Histology Technical Supervisor
The National Institutes of Health 
Clinic Center - Department of Laboratory Medicine
10 Center Drive, Room 2C 360
Bethesda, MD 20814

> On Oct 18, 2018, at 12:57 PM, Wilson, Lindsay A 
> <lindsay.a.wil...@uth.tmc.edu> wrote:
> Good morning,
> Does anyone have a proven IHC protocol for BMP-2 on bone tissue? A big plus, 
> if you have worked with it on rabbit bone!
> I am currently using Abcam’s BMP-2 (ab6285) with no success. I have performed 
> antigen retrieval and non-antigen retrieval. I have used a dilution as low as 
> 1:50. I appreciate any suggestions.
> Lindsay Wilson, LVT, RLATG
> Young Laboratory
> UTHealth | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston | School 
> of Dentistry
> Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
> 7500 Cambridge St. | Suite 6510 | Houston, TX 77054
> 713 486 4360 tel | 713 486 4333 fax

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