Is it possible to change the distance at which the distance variant sounds are crossfaded. Right now the default seems to be 1000 units or so. Is there some way to modify this in the script?
Also, these seems to be a bug with distance variant sounds where they don't attenuate correctly, was this planned? I am trying to use it for engine sounds and it sounds like its right infront of you and its 4000 units away (120dB soundlevel). Is there some way to turn this attenuation back on. If I stereo spatialize the sounds, they seem to attenuate fine. I've noticed that sounds using CHAN_STATIC are not attenuated, however these are CHAN_AUTO (they are replaced with appropriate channels in code, the 3 possible channels are CHAN_WEAPON, CHAN_ITEM and CHAN_BODY). Here is what the script looks like: "Engine.MainThrust" { "channel" "CHAN_AUTO" "volume" "0.6" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_120dB" "wave" "^engines/main_thruster.wav" } I dunno if anyone can help with this? _______________________________________________ To unsubscribe, edit your list preferences, or view the list archives, please visit: