Personally I have printed a fair amount of music from Mutopia and it can
be difficult to get it printed and bound to a standard comparable to
shop-bought sheet music. This is particularly the case for music that runs
to several pages - music that fits to a single side of A4 is easy enough,
obviously.I continue to use it, because it's hard to justify paying good
money for a piece if it's freely available.

On the other hand, for ensemble music it's nice to have the ability to
print out spare parts so that people can take them home and you don't have
to worry about their safe return. I'm not sure whether this would be
within copyright for recent music though.

I wouldn't want to listen to the piece before buying, particularly if it's
played electronically. Half the fun is finding your own interpretation
before listening to other people, and I imagine most of us can gauge the
difficulty of a piece just by looking at it. Seeing samples, though, is a
'must'. If you've written 4, why not give one away for free?

I think how you go about putting music online is important - I saw quite
an expensive piece the other day that only allowed you to make a very few
printouts. What if the printer jams, or in trying to save paper and print
on both sides, it all comes out upside down and in the wrong order?!

Anyway, that's my take,


> Hey there!
> My name is Mark Pope and I played horn for years (until grad school) -
> and I've recently written a collection of 4 short pieces for horn.
> They are all short, under 4 minutes, and written to be fairly
> accessible for both horn player and pianist - somewhat "light" music.
> (I'm really not advertising, actually!) :)
> My question to you, since I've been out of the "horn-music-gettin'
> mode" for a while, is how you prefer to obtain your music.
> Are you more likely to purchase music published by a certain
> publisher, or from a certain distributor, or, in the internet age are
> you comfortable with purchasing music off of a composer's website?
> For newly composed music, do you like to see samples of the written
> music or to hear samples (and are computer generated samples adequate)?
> I'm eager to get my music in front of people - but I'm just a bit
> unsure about the best way to get it distributed, especially with
> technology changing like it is...
> Thank you in advance for your thoughts!!
> -Mark
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