Hi Blake,sorry, while struggling to find the emails you mentioned I forgot to 
answer you (I guess I was not receiving because I had selected digests).
As I answered before to Charlotte:
Yes, that area in 
actually is of manioc (cassava). Both green(new plants or grass coverture in 
the holes, it's not ) and brown(picked or dry remains) rounded shapes of 
1-1,5m, as I've wrote in the post.I would map it together since it's one same 
field, only that plantations are managed seasonally from side to side in the 
same uncovered field.Beside it there are planted palm orchard (it's in more 
regular rows, so it's different from irregular palm woods).I've tagged it by 
this way (there is still more to do in the 
area):http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id&#map=18/8.83778/-12.04529- - 
-It's manioc/cassava land for sure:
-The more green rounded shapes show some shadow (to the same side of palms, so 
they are not remain holes in the ground), it should be plants in growing or 
adults.-The brown/dark rounded shapes should be only with soil or rotten 
remains of the plants (since only the roots are taken and the remains left in 
the same place; stem and leaves are toxic, some varieties very toxic).They may 
use it one year planted in one side, the other year change to the other side to 
avoid soil be exhausted.
But take a look at this for 
You can see 3 green areas of manioc with three little different shapes (in 
Brazil, time between planting and picking manioc roots usually takes 1 to 1.5 
year, but may take 6 months to 3 years):1) above, one rounded with small 
shadows, max.1m indicating new individuals in growth;2) below, one rounded with 
a little bigger shadows, a little more spaced (some individuals may have been 
already taken), around 1.5m indicating grown individuals;3) in the middle, the 
other rounded, very shallow, with almost no shadow, probably recent remains or 
new grass, indicating probably seasonal renewal of soil.The growing plants are 
distant from the adults to make it easier to manage both.
And palms there are 3 to 4 times larger, top with 5 to 8m diameter, long 
Nigth time here. Not extending discussion for too long, but for me it's also 
one more example of manioc/cassava land.Better if someone else could 
confirm.It's the 2nd major production and 1st in tons, it's 
Rice is the 1st, but I don't know how to find it (perhaps only by color), so it 
may be in wetlands but not visible.
Here in Brazil both are widespread too.

> Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 14:05:23 -0400
> From: bgirar...@gmail.com
> To: svo...@hotmail.com
> CC: heb...@web.de
> Subject: Re: [HOT] HOTOSM #699: About identification of plantations (HOTOSM 
> #699: About identification of plantations in Africa (as for cassava, manioc)
> Hi Sergio,
> We do not get copies of emails we send to the list, that is a "feature" 
> that I do not like either :(
> Your follow up email to the list did get through to the list and the 
> example was great.
> Did you happen to see email to the list with the subject: "[HOT] 
> cultivated areas in ETC sections?"
> That looks a lot like cassava, what do you think?
> Cheers,
> Blake
> On 10/21/2014 1:58 PM, S Volk wrote:
> > Hi Blake and Henning, thanks.
> > I dont know if I send it well to hot@openstreetmap.org, because I can't
> > find the post there.
> > So I send this post below to you if it this would be useful.
> > Regards from Brazil,
> > Sergio.
> >
> > - - -
> > Some more about Africa plantations:
> >
> > Sometimes images shows cassava plantations like rounded light green
> > patterns, planted in not very regular rows (new plants).
> > Sometimes shows only brown rounded holes, but in the exact place where
> > there were plants that were already picked.
> > It only changes from sides to sides of same uncovered lands seasonally.
> > Anyway mostly it will be planted again soon, so its allotments usually
> > are permanent.
> > So it keeps being the same farmland landcover.
> >
> > Since it's planted in small strips or areas (once it's a kind of manual
> > plantation by few individuals, usually not large areas managed by
> > machines), they are sometimes isolated, sometimes following river
> > margins or wetland.
> >
> > Intending not to complicate too much, I think it will be more useful to
> > map it continuously when brown and green areas are together, since being
> > the same seasonal plantation area (not in many disconnected strips, I
> > did it before, but I think it's unnecessary perfectionism). Only when
> > it's not disconnected by remarkable different features as portions of
> > forest or rivers or non-used grassland, it may be mapped continuously).
> >
> > Paths can be found going though it by many ways. Plantation borders
> > usually almost sure are ways for paths, if found straight paterns.
> >
> > Also, I think it's better to tag cassava plantation as farmland (not
> > orchard, since orchard is more propper for permanent plants, that are
> > not removed in the harvest, like apple trees, pepper, etc).
> > Cassava plant is entirely removed, since it is a tuberous root.
> > In this area can be seen both green and brown areas of cassava planted
> > and removed:
> >
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id&#map=18/8.78502/-12.00690
> > <http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id&%20#map=18/8.78502/-12.00690>
> >
> > In that area can be seen also a plantation of palms, recognized by its
> > long leaves and some regular pattern, not being random. Most times I see
> > it tagged as forest. Few times as orchard. So I followed tagging as
> > forest (Wood only for natural groups). But now I guess, if to be more
> > precise, it would be more proper for "orchard" when palms are found
> > planted in regular patterns, since it's for picking its fruits (not
> > mostly for cut it to use its wood, as landuse tag for forest). But guess
> > it's not worth for changing all done around Africa. It makes no much
> > remarkable difference for practice, and there are still much more
> > unidentified features to be done.
> >
> > Also about Sierra Leone plantations:
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture_in_Sierra_Leone
> >
> > Regards, Sergio. Brazil.
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