On Sun 13-Sep-2009 at 13:47 -0700, Tom Sharpless wrote:
>This is an annoying loose end that ought to be attended to.  For
>example look at Bruno's tutorial on making an enfused panorama.  He
>states that he has to set the control points linking the exposure
>stacks by hand.  But align_image_stack can generate those CPs very
>nicely -- it is just that Hugin doesn't know how to run that job, or
>combine the resulting .pto files.  Fixing that would make Hugin a much
>better tool for HDR work.

It is getting there slowly, both the trunk and 200.9.2 branch have 
multiple control point generator presets - Including one for 

So you can now select the photos from a bracketed stack in the 
Images tab, pick 'align image stack' and click 'Create control 
points'.  You'd have to do this for each stack, but it is now very 
doable in a pointy-clicky way.

The 'gsoc2009_layout' branch has code for indicating stacks in the 
GUI (the new 'j' parameter).  This isn't finished, but ultimately if 
hugin is told which images are likely 'stacks' and which images are 
likely exposure layers it will be possible to use the right 
technique automatically.


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