I'm trying to stitch together some rather modest projects. The ceiling
and waist images are all fine and dandy as they were shot on a pano
head. The floor however is hand held since I don't want the tripod in
there. It's all old hat to everyone here, I'm sure. I have one lens
for all the images on the pano head and a separate one for the hand
held floor. This lets hugin adjust the focal length independently and
helps get a nice seamless blend.

The problem is the second len's exposure optimization never does
anything. I go to the exposure tab and tell it to optimize and only
lens zero gets updated. Lens one never changes. So my seamless floor
patch is always too bright or dim or weirdly striped. I've replicated
this with a stackless LDR stitch and a 3 image stacked pano, on both
Windows (release) and Mac (beta).

Any tips? This is the last thing I need to fix for these panos.


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