On 1 Mai, 10:28, jean <giancarlo.tod...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now i would like to express that in a more flexible form, like
> "yaw of image #1 has to be equal to that of image #0 plus 36°"
> something like
> "y=0+36"
> ...

panotools scripting, again, is the answer. And if you're python-
literate, you may also want to have a look at


This is pure python and will run on any system with python 2.6 or 2.7
and may run on 3.X.

and if you're on a linux system, you may be able to use hsi/hpi as
well from python (it might be part of your package already), which is
a swig module for most of hugin's backend functionality. It's complex
but fast and largely undocumented, for your purpose it's probably

What the optimizer minimizes is the distance of the 'legs' of the
control points, when projected to the output projection. This sounds
confusing, but you have to keep in mind that each control point refers
to two coordinate pairs: one x/y pair in each image. Hugin has a
notion of where these two points would turn up on the output under the
current transformation, and since the match is never perfect, the
projected positions of the two 'legs' aren't in precisely the same
spot - hence they are in a certain distance from each other. The
optimizer tries to modify the projection so that the distance between
the projected legs is minimized. It doesn't look at the image content
at all, it only works on the control point coordinates and their
projected positions.


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