Aku pikir ini sebuah paper bagus ... tambahan referensi buat para pecinta 
paleontologi dan mahakam explorer, 
Confidential ?? ah bukan ... paper ini "sudah online" sejak minggu lalu 
... masih anget ...:-D
silahkan donlod kumplit dengan gambar berwarna : 
http://imbi.uwc.ac.za/cg/CG2003_A02_BL/CG2003_A02_BL.pdf atau

==== start quote ==
Fig. 1: Pseudorotalia conoides (ORBIGNY) 1826
Fig. 1a: umbilical view
Fig. 1b: profile view
Fig. 1c: spiral view
==== ah jadi inget ngulik-ulik "kutu air" nih ====

yg menarik lainnya .... cara mensitir dokumen online (kenapa tanpa url ya) 
--> ada dibawah ...

hef e nais whik en ..
"masih mencari lowstand reservoir, nih ;-("


Micropaleontological investigations in the modern Mahakam delta, East 
Kalimantan (Indonesia)
Bernard Lambert
Total Fina Elf, DGEP/GSR/PN, Tour Coupole, 2 Place de Coupole, La Défense 
6 - Cédex 4, 92078 Paris La Défense (France)
Manuscript online since March 8, 2003

 The Mahakam delta is a mixed, fluvial and wave dominated delta located in 
the eastern part of the island of Borneo (the East Kalimantan province of 
Indonesia). The distribution of benthic fauna in this delta system is 
influenced by the combined or antagonistic action of three main 
parameters: fluvial input of fresh water and sediment, tide, and a strong 
regional north to south drift current. A model of the present-day faunal 
distribution has been established taking into account the perturbations 
induced by the tide and by the regional drift current. This model has been 
extrapolated into the recent past through the study of shallow cores that 
permit the reconstruction of late Holocene deltaic regression patterns. 

Key Words
Indonesia, Kalimantan, Mahakam Delta, fluvial input, tide, drift current, 
benthonic Foraminifera, biofacies, distribution pattern. 

Lambert B. (2003).- Micropaleontological investigations in the modern 
Mahakam delta, East Kalimantan (Indonesia).- Carnets de Géologie / 
Notebooks on Geology, Maintenon, Article 2003/02 (CG2003_A02_BL) 

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