Kalau membaca dibawah ini, tentunya kita tahu bahwa Malaysia yang masih
belum net-importir saja sudah "tersedak" dengan naiknya harga minyak ini.
Ketergantungan Malaysia dengan minyak juga cukup tinggi seperti Indonesia.
Memang tidak separah Indonesia. Namun perlu diketahui bahwa itung-itungan
subsidi BBM (Fuel) merupakan cara wajar. Bukan penipuan atau sengaja korupsi
berjamaan (sesekali menghindari suudzon lah). Cara penyajian anggaran negara
dengan metode "Balance Sheet" itu cara yang banyak di "adopt" oleh
negara-negara lain. Tetapi mungkin perlu cara lain yang lebih "rapi" dan
mudah di "tract" kemana larinya "kebocoran".
Walaupun begitu masih harus disadari bahwa penggunaan energi di Indonesia
ini sudah keterlaluan borosnya. Coba baca sini : Pola konsumsi Listrik
di Jawa<http://rovicky.wordpress.com/2006/12/17/pola-konsumsi-listrik-di-jawa/>.
Jumlah energi yang ada di Indonesia ini masih bukan untuk hal yang
produktif. Masih banyak energi (BBM) yang terbuang dan tersia-sia karena
kemacetan jalan, hura-hura serta banyak yang bocor, eh dicolong :)
Bacaan terkait :


[image: International Herald Tribune] <http://www.iht.com/>
 Malaysia's 2008 bill to subsidize fuel, food soars to US$15.6 billion, says

The Associated Press
 Sunday, May 11, 2008

*KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia:* Malaysian government subsidies for gasoline, food
and other essential goods are expected to hit 50 billion ringgit (US$15.6
billion; €10 billion) this year as global prices soar, Prime Minister
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Sunday.

This exceeds last year's subsidy bill of 43 billion ringgit (US$13.4
billion; €8.7 billion) and is higher than the government's annual 40 billion
ringgit (US$12.5 billion; €8 billion) allocation for major development and
infrastructure projects.

"We are facing a situation we have not faced before ... it's a new crisis
related to crude oil prices. Total subsidies are up to 50 billion ringgit,"
Abdullah said at a meeting of his ruling party.

Of that, 45 billion ringgit (US$14 billion; €9 billion) goes to fuel and
gas, with the rest for food and other items such as education, he said.

Fuel and food costs in Malaysia are among the lowest in Asia due to heavy
subsidies, which are posing a burden to the government's finances as it
grapples with a slowing economy and inflationary pressure.

The central bank recently cut its 2008 economic growth forecast to between 5
percent and 6 percent, down from between 6 percent and 6.5 percent
previously, citing global uncertainty due to the U.S. credit crisis. The
economy expanded 6.3 percent in 2007.

Concerns over the rising cost of living contributed to the poor performance
of Abdullah's ruling coalition in March elections, when it lost its
two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Shahrir Samad was quoted by
Sunday's Berita Minggu newspaper as saying the government plans to charge
foreigners market prices for gasoline to curb its subsidy bill.

"Petrol at the pump will be at market prices, with no subsidies," Shahrir
said in the report. "Foreigners will be charged market prices while
Malaysians who have their identity cards or drivers license will get the
subsidized price."

The report gave no details on when this would take place. Shahrir and other
ministry officials could not be reached Sunday for comment.

World oil prices breached US$126 a barrel for the first time Friday on fuel
supply concerns.

Telling the truth is important
Telling the positive is better !!!

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