No apologies necessary, Jack. Thanks for this follow-up post.

In the absence of any naysayers, I'll increase the values to 10 the next
chance I get.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Jack Schudel
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: $P JOBQ Question

Sorry about my bad memory regarding the defaults for PCEDEF.

I went back through my init deck notes and found a comment
from 10 OCT 1999 saying that I set most of the PCEDEFs to 10
based on Chip Wood's presentation at SHARE 93. (Chicago, AUG 1999)
This was probably session 2658 JES2 Configuration & Tuning Tips.
SHARE's online handouts do not appear to go back that far, but
the abstract for the session said:

     Is your JES system running as well as it should? There are
     some simple things you may be able to do which can improve
     the efficiency or availability of your system. In this
     session, a representative from JES2 development will
     (.) Initialization statements which must be coded, or for
     which the default is not the best choice,
     (.) Tuning tips to improve performance of checkpoint and
     (.) Recommendations for maximizing the availability of your

I would guess that I would not have set these values to the max
if any potential downside had been mentioned at the session.


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