Thanks to those who responded; here's an update on this abend:

Although it's possible, I doubt we have a bug in our logic in this area; this 
has run for more than 10 years at multiple sites on multiple levels of z/OS.  
And we do not ever issue a TRANSWAP OKSWAP;  the dataspace is designed to be 
accessible until the job ends.  Rob Scott's suggestion that moving The SYSEVENT 
TRANSWAP before the DSPSERV CREATE is worth trying especially if we can find a 
way to reproduce the abend.

If the abend recurs at this site (or anywhere else), I will surely get the 
output of a D J and an SVCDUMP.

Since no one suggested it, I guess it is not likely that the site would have a 
monitor or exit that would change a non-swappable address space to swappable.

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect

DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization

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