IRS - 60-Year-Old IT System Failed on Tax Day
Due to New Hardware

By Aaron Boyd and Frank Konkel
April 19, 2018 06:02 PM

Congress and watchdogs have been warning the IRS to upgrade
its systems for years.

The Internal Revenue Service attributed the agency’s Tax Day
crash to a piece of hardware supporting an IT system that is
almost 60 years old.

Called the Individual Master File, components of the system -
including 20 million lines of computer code—date back to 1960,
when John F. Kennedy was president.

IRS told Nextgov 18-month-old hardware supporting the
Individual Master File experienced a caching issue causing
the system to fail. The failure disrupted almost all other
services and systems IRS provides because those systems
ingest data from the Individual Master File. When those
systems—such as Direct Pay and the structured payments
portal—called to the Individual Master File mainframe and
got no response, they too failed.

Despite repeated warnings from the Government Accountability
Office and Congress, IRS plans to modernize the system are
at least six years behind schedule and several hundred
million dollars over budget.

This was our biggest fear about one of these
mission-critical systems crashing, Dave Powner, GAO's
director of IT management issues, told Nextgov Thursday.
Fortunately, it wasn't down for a long period of time, so
in that way, we dodged a bullet.

Still, the crash forced the IRS to extend the tax filing
deadline one day, delaying some 14 million submissions. It
could be several years before the Individual Master File is
fully modernized and rid of 1960s-era technology.

To address the risk of a system failure, the IRS has a plan
to modernize two core components of the IMF by 2021,
followed by a year of parallel validation before retiring
those components in 2022,” the IRS told Nextgov in March,
before the crash occurred. That timeline could slip because
the IRS says it needs to hire at least 50 additional
employees—while backfilling any attrition—plus an additional
$85 million per year in annual non-labor funding over the
next five years. The president’s fiscal 2018 budget request
called for a $239 million reduction in funding for the IRS,
which has faced numerous cuts in recent years.

Since Republicans gained control of the House of
Representatives in 2010, their partisan attacks have left
the IRS with nearly 10,000 fewer customer service
representatives to assist taxpayers and a patchwork of IT
systems, some dating back to the Kennedy Administration,
which is ultimately harming all taxpayers,” Rep. Gerry
Connolly, D-Va., told Nextgov.

However, the Republican-led House ratified a package of nine
IRS reform bills following the Tax Day crash that could amp
up IRS’ modernization efforts. The bills, including the
21st-Century IRS Act and the Taxpayer First Act, will stress
improving the customer experience for taxpayers as well as
modernizing technology across the agency. The reform package
was ushered in by the House Ways and Means committee,
chaired by Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas.

A new tax code calls for a new tax administrator, and we
have worked together so that the IRS can be transformed into
an agency with a singular mission: taxpayer first, Brady
said in a statement.

One of the bills will require IRS to compile a plan to
enhance agency technology and customer service. That plan is
due to Congress by September.

The Individual Master File contains data from 1 billion
taxpayer accounts dating back several decades and is the
chief IRS application responsible for receiving 100 million
Americans’ individual taxpayer data and dispensing refunds.
IRS first attempted to replace the system with a modernized
Customer Account Data Engine, but that effort was canceled
in 2009. A delivery date for CADE 2, the IRS’ subsequent
modernization effort, has slipped several years even as
contractors working on the project have earned as much as
$290 million.

We still have not seen a solid plan in place, Powner told
Nextgov. GAO identified the Individual Master File as the
oldest technology system still operational in government in

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