Hi, Ed.

I can appreciate what a difficult situation you're in.....

My advice would be that, since your VM system can not afford an unplanned outage, that you:
1) migrate from 4.3 to 5.1 first
2) bring up 5.2 in a test LPAR (or 2nd level, your choice), and test it using your h/w and your applications

This approach will, imho, minimize your exposure to any possible problems with 5.2 and give IBM more time to fully research and correct any difficulties that there may be in 5.2.

Of course, also remember what your Mom and Dad told you about "free advice" too. ;-)


Edward M. Martin wrote:
Hello Everyone,

        I have been following this thread with great interest.
We are currently on z/VM 4.3

        We are (like most everyone else) 24/7 and can not afford any
known problems/errors that could/may happen.
        Is this Z/VM 5.2.0 problem associated with a particular hardware
configuration or could it happen on any 5.2.0 system?

        Is this a reason to go to 5.1.0 and let the early test group
shake it out?

        The question that will be asked, "Can you tell me that it will
not happen here?" Yes or No.
        Tough question but it will be asked.

        We are a VSE/VM shop.  With z/VM Web services for Nomad2 and
Ultraquest reporting.  We are doing somewhere between 500,000 to 750,000
transactions on one of the PROD CICS/TS systems. The others generate
50,000 then we have the TEST(but read PROD) and BETA system.

        Interfaces to every other system within the hospital.

        We will get 20 minutes to bring the new system online.

Ed Martin Aultman Health Foundation
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ext. 40441

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