We are consolidating two data centers. Both data centers run ZVM and
VSE/ESA. I happen to be at the "home" data center with the hardware and
the host zvm system.

The data center being relocated is keeping its network infrastructure,
its operator staff, a few tape drives, and its users where they sit

The data center being located wants its own ZVM under ZVM system.
Technically I don't agree. On the other hand, maybe it' not a technical
issue. If it's not a technical issue, what business reasons exist to
support running a ZVM under ZVM environment?

I'm sure there are others who have faced this dilemma in the past. How
did you resolve it?

I'd like to hear technical reasons why it's a bad idea to run ZVM under
ZVM in production or why it's a good idea. Business reasons pro and con
are welcome as well. 

The facts need to speak for themselves, not emotions.

Any comments are welcome.

Jim Hughes
"Impossible is just an opinion."

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