"Fattening"? probably not..... "Illegal"? maybe....the site offering to do the assembly for you would need to make sure that their license from IBM to use the HLASM product allows that sort of activity. There might be a distinction between using HLASM for internal work and offering the use of the HLASM to outside parties.

Of course, I am not a lawyer (thank G*d!!) so there is the distinct possibility I don't have a clue as to what I am talking about here. :-)


Shimon Lebowitz wrote:
Is there anything illegal/immoral/fattening involved
in sending the asm source to someone else to
assemble, and return the created object deck?

I can understand an installation not wanting to actually
buy the HLASM product for 2 or 3 modules that only need to be assembled once, so I was wondering.


Or one of the (at least) two competing assembler products, which can run on
Windows and other platforms.



Tony H.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dave Jones
Sent: Wed 3 May, 2006 11:06
Subject: Re: VMFHLASM

Yes, I believe you do need the the High Level Assembler (HLASM) installed for you to be able to assemble and install your local mods.....


Mary Zervos wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to reassemble our local mods for z/vm 4.4 but

it's saying
it cannot find the VMFHLASM Module. There is a VMFHLASM Exec installed, but no module. I'm trying to locate if this is an extra product we have to install?

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