> Don't forget the single-address-space systems, of which the iSeries
> (nee AS/400) is perhaps the most commercially successful example.  Just
> because process-per-address space is fashionable, doesn't mean it's
> the only viable approach.

precursor to as/400 was the s/38 ... which folklore has having
been a bunch of future system people taking refuge in rochester
after FS was killed. reference to future system effort earlier
in this thread.
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2006i.html#32 virtual memory

misc. collected postings referencing FS. I didn't make
myself particularly popular with the FS crowd at the time,
drawing some parallel between their effort and a cult film
that had been playing non-stop for several years down in
central sq.

the transition of as/400 from cisc architecture to power/pc ...
involved a lot of hangling during the 620 chip architecture days
... with rochester demanding a 65th bit to be added to the 64bit
virtual addressing architecture (they eventually went their own way).

a few past posts mentioning 620, 630 and some of the other power/pc
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2000d.html#60 "all-out" vs less aggressive designs
(was: Re: 36 to 32 bit transition)
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2001i.html#24 Proper ISA lifespan?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2001i.html#28 Proper ISA lifespan?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2001j.html#36 Proper ISA lifespan?
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2004q.html#40 Tru64 and the DECSYSTEM 20
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005q.html#40 Intel strikes back with a parallel
x86 design
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2005r.html#11 Intel strikes back with a parallel
x86 design

i've perodically mused that the migrations of as/400 to power/pc was
somewhat fort knox reborn. circa 1980 there was an effort to migrate a
large number of the internal microprocessors to 801 chips. one of
these was to have been 370 4341 follow-on. I managed to contribute to
getting that effort killed ... as least so far as the 4381 was
concerned. misc. collected posts mentioning 801, fort knox, romp,
rios, somerset, power/pc, etc

for misc. other lore, the executive we had been reporting to when we
started the ha/cmp product effort ... moved over to head up somerset
... when somerset was started (i.e. the apple, motorola, ibm, et all
effort for power/pc).

the initial port of os/360 (real memory) mvt to 370 virtual memory was
referred to as os/vs2 SVS (single virtual storage).

the original implementation was an mvt kernel laid out in a 16mbyte
virtual memory (somewhat akin to mvt running in 16mbyte virtual
machine) with virtual memory and page handler crafted onto the side
... and CCWTRANS borrowed from cp67.

the os/360 genre was real memory orientation with heavy dependancy on
pointer passing in majority of the APIs ... being able to process any
kind of service request required directly addressing parameter list
pointed to by the passed pointer. this was, in part, big part of
having address space for os/360 operation. The application paradigm
involving I/O was largely dependent on direct transfer from/to
application allocated storage. Application and library code would
build I/O programs with the "real" address locations that were
assigned to the application. Transition to virtual memory environment,
had the majority of application I/O involved passing address pointers
to these application build I/O programs with "application" allocated
storage addresses. In the real address world, the kernel would
schedule some I/O permission restrictions and then transfer control
directly to the application I/O program. In the transition to the
virtual address space world ... all of these application I/O programs
were now specifying virtual addresses ... not real addresses.  CP67's
kernel "CCWTRAN" handled the building of "shadow" I/O program copies
... fixing the required virtual pages in real storage and translating
all of the supplied virtual address into real address for execution of
the "shadow" I/O programs.

recent post about CCWTRAN and shadow I/O programs
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2006b.html#25 Multiple address spaces
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2006f.html#5 3380-3390 Conversion - DISAPPOINTMENT

SVS evolved into MVS ... there was a separate address space for every
application. However, because of the heavy pointer passing paradigm,
the "MVS" kernel actually occupied 8mbytes of every application
16mbyte virtual address space. There was some additional hacks
required. There were some number of things called subsystems that were
part of most operational environments. They existed outside of the
kernel (in their own virtual address space) ... but in the MVT & SVS
worlds, other applications were in the habit of directly calling these
subsystem functions using pointer passing paradigm ... which required
the subsystems (which now were in separate address space) to directly
access the calling application's parameters in the application's
virtual address space.

The initial solution was something called a "COMMON" segment, a (again
initially) 1mbyte area of every virtual address space where
applications could stuff parameter values that they needed to be
accessed by called subsystems, resident in other address spaces.  Over
time, as customer installations added a large variety of subsystems,
it was unusual to find the COMMON segment taking up five megabytes.
While these were MVS systems, with a unique 16mbyte virtual address
space for every application, the kernel image was taking 8mbytes out
of every virtual address space, and with a five megabyte COMMON area,
that would leave a maximum of 3mbytes for application use (out of a
16mbyte virtual address space).

Dual-address space mode was introduced in the late 70s with 3033
processor (to start to alleviate this problem caused by the extensive
use of pointer passing paradigm). This provided virtual address space
modes ...  a subsystem (in its own virtual address space) could be
called with a pointer to parameters in the application address
space. The subsystem had facilities that allowed it to "reach" into
other virtual address spaces. A call to one of these subsystems still
required passing through the kernel to swap virtual address space
pointers ... and some other gorp.

recent mention of some connection between dual-address space and
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2006.html#39 What happens if CR's are directly
http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/2006b.html#28 Multiple address spaces

Along the way there was a desire to move more of the operating system
library stuff that resided as part of the application code. So
dual-address space was generalized to multiple address space and a new
hardware facility was created called "program call". It was attempting
to achieve the efficiency of branch-and-link instruction calling some
library code with the structured protection mechanisms required to
switch virtual address spaces by passing through priviledge kernel
code. the privilege "program call" hardware table had a bunch of
permission specification controls ... including which collection of
virtual address space pointers could be moved into the various access
registers. 31-bit virtual addressing was also introduced.

today there are all sorts of combinations of 24-bit virtual
addressing, 31-bit virtual addressing, 64-bit virtual addressing
... as well as possibly several such virtual address spaces be able to
be accessed concurrently.

3.8 Address spaces ... some overview including discussion about
multiple virtual address spaces:

2.3.5 Access Registers ... discussion of access registers 1-15
can dissignate any address space

10.26 Program Call

10.27 Program Return

10.28 Program Transfer

Anne & Lynn Wheeler | http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/

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