Mike Walter wrote:

> We use IBM Personal Communications for 3270 emulation 
> (PLEASE, I like it and I also have absolutely NO SAY in what 
> we use - let's not suggest alternatives for this one problem). 

I hear you.
> PCOM's keyboard remapping utility won't allow you to re-map 
> (or turn off) the Scroll Lock key.  Has anyone else 
> discovered a way to forcibly prevent this cursed key from 
> working while in a 3270 emulator session?  Thanks in advance.

Keeping in mind point 1 above, I notice that in the Vista emulator it is
quite possible to remap the Scroll Lock key to either local or datastream
functions. For example I mapped Scroll Lock to PF8, and CTRL-Scroll Lock to
PF7, and they scroll up and down nicely in XEDIT. The Scroll Lock keyboard
light toggles with eash press, but with no apparent unwanted effect.

So I don't think this is a fundamental Windows thing. Since PCOM also works
on OS/2, perhaps it's the remnants of an attempt at compatibility?

Tony H.

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