
Yes, we did just that for a little while.  You need to configure TCPIP 198
file SMTP CONFIG parameter IPMAILERADDRESS with the IP address of your
Notes MTA (I'm not sure what that stands for but its the Notes server which
receives non-Notes email) server and VM SMTP will forward any non-local
email to that address.  Its then becomes that server's responsibility to
forward it outside the company.

We had to quit using it, however, because our auditors were able to break
into it and it looked like it would take an exit to stop them; and it
wasn't worth that.  There were also other issues around the corner
involving validation of the VM email sender.  It just got too messy for
what it would have bought us.

And, in response to Dave Wade, you might want to take this indirect route
if your VM system doesn't have direct access to the Internet.

Dennis Schaffer

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