Not at all. It's easy. I log in between 07:00-07:30, and back out around 22:00-23:00. This home office thingie is GREAT!

Deadlines are for wimps.  :-P


Jim Bohnsack wrote:
Dan--Do you have too much time on your hands?

At 04:32 PM 6/27/2006, you wrote:
On a whim, I searched the list archives for "silliness". Unsurprisingly
;-) names like Mike Walter, Alan Altmark, and David Boyes are featured
prominently in the results...

"Never stay up on the barren heights of cleverness, but come down into
the green valleys of silliness."
- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889­1951), Austrian philosopher.


Jim Bohnsack
Cornell Univ.
(607) 255-1760

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