Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>When the FST on the CMS disk is written, the timestamp in the
>directory is updated. Even when you just access a R/W disk, CMS
>already writes back the FST (that's what triggers the non-shared S/Y
>stat in the SYSPROF). You can use the mdiskblk stage to get block 3
>and then 4 or 5 for the date.
>I can code an example if you need that. Used to have a pipeline stage
>that would re-access the disk and pull unseen records from the PROP
>logging (like tail -f in Linux).

A minor correction (Rob knows this, he stated it correctly in a later post, but 
I want to clarify):

The timestamp in the directory is updated by RELEASE, not ACCESS.  So if you 
accidentally ACCESS a disk R/O, you can do one of three things:

1) RELEASE it, updating the timestamp;
2) DETACH (or reDEFINE) it, thus moving it before CMS can update the timestamp 
and causing an implicit RELEASE (due to the machine check);
3) ACCESSing another disk "over" it -- for example, if you have 0190 R/W as C, 

(2) and (3) above both avoid the timestamp update (OK, to be 100% correct, I 
haven't verified that (3) does these days, but I'd be surprised if CMS is fancy 
enough to do otherwise).


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