>In fact, there is a good paper on limiting the privilege class and
commands allowed for a linux guest.  It is a good read and gives some
excellent ideas on how to protect a linux guest from shooting itself in the

I suppose a reference would be good, eh??   It is a red paper:

James Vincent
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions
Mainframe, z/VM and z/Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5547    Fax: (614) 677-7681

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 06/29/2006
10:00:41 AM:

> First, apologies as I am a VM newbie. (And a linux newbie, for that
> matter).
> We would like to be able to add dasd to a linux's logical volume group on

> the fly. We have been able to do this by making sure all our dasd is
> at ipl, then we det the dev from system, att it to our userid, format it,

> att it back to system and then do a define mdisk from the linux vm
> We then add it to user direct for the next time the linux user logs off
> back on.
> The trouble with this is, the linux guest must have "A" priveledge and
> devmaint, which is undesirable. Does anyone know of a way around this?
> Ideally, what I'd like is the ability to specify a userid on the define
> mdisk, so that another ID could do it for the linux guest. As I see it,
> either use devmaint or have to logoff/on the guest.
> Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Mary Anne

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