> From Bit's note, we have no problem. The 14 or 15 dataspaces of just
> under 2G each will be R/O, so there never is a need to page them 
> out. Since they page in directly from SFS, they already occupy 
> sufficient page space to accommodate them. The 50% rule can then 
> apply to the few users who are on the system, and we have ample 
> paging space for that.

> Regards,
> Richard Schuh

Although most pages of a "dataspaced DIRC" are paged in from SFS' 
minidisks (and never paged out), the FST list of the access DIRC is alo 
built in the dataspace, but that is not mapped to SFS minidisks, so they 
can be paged out to CP's paging areas.  So, for a DIRC with few, but huge 
files the ratio of pages that can be paged out is small, but for a DIRC 
with lost of small files...   CP IND SPACE will tell you a bit about this.
And something some readers may forget: a DIRC that is accessed R/W is 
never placed in a dataspace.  So, all dataspaces SFS creates are d'office 
R/O, no need to mention "they will be R/O".

IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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