> How could it not be in good shape?  PUT 8602 is an even-numbered PUT
> all old-timers know that it's only odd-numbered PUTs that are bad.

8-) Seriously, though. Big chunks of the oxide are flaking off the
backing. One thing that's been very illustrative in this project --
magnetic tape doesn't last forever. 20+ years is *really* pushing it.

> Besides, PUT 8602 has far exceeded my personal PUT application aging
> standard of letting it age "forty days and forty nights".    ;-)

It is approaching the "unto the 7th generation" rule, isn't it? We're
definitely into the "seventy times seven" arena. 

Interesting update: the last box I processed this morning contained a
TSS tape dated 1971. Lee Varian has better handwriting that most of us
will *ever* have -- the label is still clearly readable, even if the
tape isn't. 

To the authors of TAPEMAP: you guys rule. The absolute wonder-gadget of
the week. 

-- db

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