On 7/27/06, Mike Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I beg to differ, Jim.  Many list subscribers and I still regularly use the
old green-screen IBMLink and will continue to do so until they pry it from
my cold, dead fingers.

Hey, we *can* do sarcasm on 3270...  the only limitation is that it
does not replace legitimate trigraphs in your text by funny graphics
(so that everyone knows what they mean :-)

But I am sure you agree we really urgently need a way to have people
without basic 3270 skills to read APARs that may match the symptoms in
their dump, understand which PTFs to order, and find out whether a PTF
is in the RSU or not.
Not because you would trust them to apply the PTFs <evil grin> but
because they need their skills to download the files with their web
browser from some ftp server in Boulder, upload them to their CMS
userid and then hope DETERSE will still be able to read it.

Come on... it's not that someone thought the customers needed this.
It's all about turf wars inside IBM.


PS Some time ago I encouraged the IBMLINK developers to model the
APAR/PTF search and ordering after services like Amazon. We would not
call them PE's anymore, but would send people mail with
recommendations like "85% of the people who applied this PTF also went
to get this one..."   And it would not just be funny, but might
actually be useful for searching APARs.

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