The truth is my org message never got to marist..don't know why. So here 

This a.m we came in to make so ip router changes. After ipling VM and 
rebooting the linux guest we had a weird problem occur.
The db wouldn't come back up. 
After doing a df the mountpoint of /dbase wasn't there."HISTORY" Dbase wa
orignally a 1 vol(3390-3) 2.2g file. Several(maybe 6 months ago) I added1
more vols. So i mounted /dbase and it showed only the org 2.2g. I can go 

into /proc/dasd and see the vols there. I go into yast  and look at LVM 

and the dbase vol group isn't there. 
I'm thinking I need to add it and then re-add the vols to it in yast.
Then do a zipl,mkinitrd,eafsck...and a resize2fs ...
The problem I keep throwing at myself is that fstab contains the fs and i
I mount it I can see the fs,only 1 vol,.. BUT if I add it to yast even 

though it isn't in the list I afraid I'll screw things up.
If I do an lvdisplay I get:

  Couldn't find device with uuid 'X352M4-A4iF-sqHZ-izAg-LG8v-VSnN-m4kG0K'
  Couldn't find all physical volumes for volume group vgdbase.

I get the same msg with a pv display.

H E L P !!--by the way it's my birthday

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