What!!??!! You removed the PL/I compiler?? This is an outrage...how can I keep pestering Reed to port the much more advanced z/OS PL/I compiler over to z/VM (just like IBM did with the C/C++ one), if sites keep removing it? :-)

I'll send the code to your personal e-mail address forthwith. And I misspoke in my first note to the list....the code is actually a Rexx PIPELINEs stage, and not an EXEC.



Don Russell wrote:

Thanks, the exec would be great. I don't think we have a PL/I compiler any more (or it's on the list of things to remove)

Can you e-mail it to me as an attachment?
username: don
domain drussell (dot) dnsalias (dot) com

Thanks.... a lot :-)


Dave Jones wrote:

Hi, Don.

I have a couple of "block letter" routines here, one in Rexx (an EXEC) and one in PL/I. I can send them to you, if you'd like.


Don Russell wrote:

Does anybody have handy, a "block letter routine" they can share with me?

These are the characters generated for the printer separator pages. I'd prefer the "italics" version, and the one that used the individual character for making the large characters. That is, the large "1" character was made up of x'f1' the large "2" character from x'f2' etc.

I'm not producing banner pages with it, I want to use it from with in an exec, either displaying the result, or writing to a file (which I can use a pipe to to effectively redirect the output as required.

lol, I got all excited when I saw the pipe "block" stage.... see what context thinking does? Of course I've used the block stage before, and it has nothing to do with "block characters". :-)


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