My feeling is that the graphics in the Performance Toolkit satisfy the
interests of the original author. If you want more, you need to go to a real
graphics package. GDDM comes to mind, but so do some vague unpleasant memories,
but I do think that dual scales (a left hand scale for CPU and a right hand
scale for I/O or TrivResp) is possible. Personally, I extract the data from PTK
and use GnuPlot on my windows workstation to design a plot. When I am
satisfied, I transfer the control information and updated data to a Linux
system for batch creation of graphics that can be emailed to managers or
displayed on a web page. Something that my Linux associates are urging me to
look at is the RRDTOOL for the accumulation and display of this time-based
performance data. The BigBrother monitoring package does a interesting job of
presenting some data (examples available on request).

/Tom Kern 

--- Ted Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In working with IBM Performance Toolkit (z/VM5.2).
> Screen: FCX105 (graphing a HISTLOG file).
> I am plotting CPU (% total CPU) and I/O (SSCH/RSCH rate). 
> Does anyone know of a way to maintain a "fixed" scale value for the "Y" 
> axis in this report (FCX105). It currently changes based on the maximum 
> usage for the reporting period being viewed.
> That is (we are trying to plot usage on a 24 hour cycle): 
> From 00:00-04:00 "Y" scale = 60 (lower usage)
> From 04:00-08:00 "Y" scale = 200 (higher usage)
> From 08:00-12:00 "Y" scale = 100, and so forth.
> This is confusing - I prefer to have a fixed "Y" axis value based on my 
> input or a standard (ie. always show a scale based on CPU 200 and I/O 
> 200).  Its difficult to compare values when the scale value changes.  I 
> questioned IBM and they do not know of a way (or do not think it worthwhile 
> to investigate and develop a way).  There is no mention of how to 
> set/change the "Y" scale in IBM's Performance Toolkit manual - it actually 
> states that the "Y" scale value changes based on maximum usage reported for 
> the time period being reviewed.
> Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.  Thanks, Ted         

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