Title: A rose by any other name... Renaming the RSCS userid...

This is the first time we've brought up RSCS on our systems, and I got it running on one and waiting for the NJE connection from the other box.

On the other box, I need to have it run with a different userid (common CP Directory), and it starts to come up there, but abends with:

GCTABD232E Abend 0C2-0000 occurred during abend ESTAE processing
GCTABD226E Application 'RSCS' failed - System abend B78-0000

The B78 CMS description talks about using an invalid subpool for a getmain. I couldn't find a GCS messages manual on the CDs.

Both RSCS and GRIZRSCS have the same amount of memory. Both had the same number of links and auths defined; I dropped a bunch of sample links from the GRIZRSCS config. I also thought that, possibly, the config filename needed to match the virtual machine name, so I copied RSCS CONFIG to GRIZRSCS CONFIG, with the same results.

Would anyone know what I need to do to get RSCS to run under a different userid?

 .~.    Robert P. Nix           Mayo Foundation
 /V\    RO-OC-1-13              200 First Street SW
/( )\   507-284-0844            Rochester, MN 55905
^^-^^   -----
        "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
         in practice, theory and practice are different."

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