I got a response from BookManager support: 

"There are a couple of ways to update the bookshelf.  One is to use the S
helf Organizer tool that 
comes with Softcopy Reader.  Once you have it configured, you can display
 a bookshelf and then 
add books to it.  Once the bookshelf is complete, you could then use Soft
copy Librarian to manage 
it.  You could also do this with either BookManager READ/MVS or Library S
erver products, if you 
have those products installed and configured on z/OS. 

You can also use BookManager READ/MVS to create an index for the bookshel
f.  If you have 
installed BookManager READ/MVS and have it available as an ISPF option, t
here should be a 
separate option for the Bookshelf Index Creation utility.  You can also d
o this using Library Server.  
This is done from the Administration page, in the Modify Shelf selection.
  You can also use the 
Index Utility for Windows that can be downloaded from our BookManager web
-site, but it does not 
currently work with Windows XP SP2." 

(I suspect Bank of America does have these MVS tools somewhere. Rumor has
 it that we have at 
least 2 of everything.)

I also got a response from Ken Davis of IBM z/VM Information Development:

"To help customers such as yourself add these updated z/VM V5.2 books int
o their softcopy 
libraries, we are going to do the initial CD processing that will pick up
 the updated editions and 
create updated BKS and BKI files. (However, we will not create a new CD.)
 We hope to have this 
processing completed in about two weeks. I will send you a note to let yo
u know when the files are 

I like the second answer better!

On Tue, 3 Oct 2006 18:05:12 -0500, Alan Ackerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>BookManager support confirms that they do not support Windows XP for the
 Index utility. They 
>merely quote their web page which does not mention Windows XP. I suggest
ed they could save 
>people time by explicitly documenting that fact. I get the impression th
at they no longer care 
>their PC tools. 
>I have asked them about how to update the x/VM 5.2.0 manuals in Softcopy
>On Mon, 2 Oct 2006 12:42:54 -0500, Alan Ackerman 
>>I have contacted BookManager support to ask about why the Index utility

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