Well, yea, I suppose if you could get *two* swallows to cooperate, they could carry a 3592 tape cartridge between them. Even a 3592 cartridge fully laden with 300 GB of data weighs less than a coconut, but I still say the air speed of two such swallows would be somewhat less than, say, a 747.....:-)


Richard Troth wrote:

Sir Dave the Generous spake:
 > You don't seriously expect us to believe that a swallow
 > (African or any other kind...) can grasp a 3592 tape cartridge,
 > do you? They have no husks, as you know......;-)

Perhaps he's suggesting that cores migrate? (cat herders ... they've seen it all, you know!)

Wait a minute! Supposing *two* swallows carried a 3592 together? * ... *simple! They'd just use a strand of 9-track held under the dorsal guiding feathers! Well, why not?

-- R;

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