> Requirement: When running under CMS, DDR should allow interfacing with
> tape management systems during EOV processing and allow the tape
> management system to control the tape drive during such processing.

To expand a bit more, if the tape handling were outside DDR (as
illustrated in previous note), then pipes already understands OS EOV
processing and it would Just Work like it does for any other CMS
multivol tape operation (via DMSTVI and DMSTVS, or their replacements
supplied by the TMS). 

You could also send the output to disk, or to a network connection, etc
and let some other system worry about it -- even to a OS dataset and let
HSM mess with getting it on/off disk. 
> Requirement: DDR should support skipping labels on multivolume input
> s.
> Justification: This is required if DDR interfaces with a tape
> system that supports labeled tapes.  Without this support standalone
> cannot restore from multivolume labeled tapes.  CMS DDR may not have
> operatinal tape management system available to position multivolume
> tapes beyond any tape label.

Again, if you set up the appropriate LABELDEFs, the OS sim tape handling
code in CMS is honored by the pipes tape stages, so you would be able to
handle multivolume tapes even with the TMS completely down. EOV
processing is present in base CMS function (it's ugly as sin to use, but
it does work). 

Add similar stream support to SPXTAPE, and then we're cookin' with

-- db

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