Tape Label support in DDR has always seemed to be a non-starter for IBM. 

What you might succeed in, is asking for an EXIT (remember EXITS, that great
idea that could get us away from source code), that would be invoked at Tape
open, Tape EOV and Tape Close. Then we could code our own REXX programs to
handle tape mounting, tape labeling and tape positioning. 

/Tom Kern

--- Brian Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:23:53 -0400, David Boyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> <snip discussion of alternate DDR modification>
> I understand your goal now.
> >I just want IBM to spend their development money to get us the biggest
> >bang for the buck. I think that having the I/O from DDR as something we
> >can get our hands on with other tools would give us a LOT more options. 
> I don't want to ask for something so big that it gets shelved as a non-
> starter.  Adding DDR support for a tape management system (eg. via calls 
> from CMS DDR to DMSTVS/DMSTVI is much more tractable, more likely to get 
> done, and quite probably of greater value to sites that rely on DDR 
> instead of a 3rd party solution.
> Brian Nielsen

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