I am surprized. but indeed, each time a GLOBALV SETP or PUTP is issued, it 
is written in LASTING GLOBALV, even if the value is the same as before. So 
yes indeed a careless use of SETP/PUTP can cause huge LASTING GLOBALV 

But, GLOBALV INIT is supposed to cleanup the file, removing all but the 
last settting for each variable.  And as far as I know, a GLOBALV INIT is 
done by the SYSPROF EXEC, but also the very first time GLOBALV is used. 
And you say your server is restarted every day, so cleanup should be done.

Unless: the server would have its A-disk R/O when GLOBALV INIT is done, 
or, the A-disk is changed after the GLOBALV INIT (I obtained a fix 
precisely for this problem in the the DGTSRVxx servers of DFSMS).

Beware: don't place GLOBALV INIT commands everywhere: it not only 
reads/cleans the LASTING GLOBALV A file, but also wipes out all GLOBALV 
variables that are saved in storage only.

IBM Belgium, VM customer support

The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU> wrote on 
2006-12-21 20:01:34:

> We are running DB/2 for VM 7.4 on z/VM 4.4 at service level 0501.

> Today I noticed that the LASTING GLOBALV file on all three of my
> servers is HUGE.  (SQLPROD's is 47,000+ lines and 276 blocks)  It
> is full of the same settings over and over again.  For example:

> SQL/DS  "RELEASE;7.4.0

> In the PROFILE EXEC of the machine, we do


> which I understand will set up these variable in LASTING GLOBALV.
> This particular virtual machine is shut down each night before
> 2nd shift and logged off and then back on so the PROFILE and SQLINIT
> do get executed at least once a day.

> In looking at the LASTING GLOBALV file, there are many lines with

> SQL/DS  "RELEASE;7.1.0  and   SQL/DS  "RELEASE;7.4.0

> so that tells me this has been going on a long time and I am just
> now noticing it.  We did convert from 7.1 to 7.4 in October of 2006
> but it appears to have been growing like this since we installed
> z/VM 4.4 back in October of 2005 (although I can't be certain).

> Has anyone else seen something similar to this by chance?  I am
> wondering if this is related to SQLINIT and is a DB/2 problem or
> if it is a problem with  GLOBALV ... SETP.

> Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thanks.

> Ed Zell
> Illinois Mutual Life Insurance
> (309) 674-8255 x-107
> .

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