
-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Rick Barlow
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31,

In addition to the issues already mentioned, I know of 2 other problems
with the web interface.

The first one is that there is no way to send (e-mail) anything back to
yourself.  If you want to research 100 PTFs for a product, it is a lot
easier to send the list back to a place where you can manipulate the
list. Lest anyone think that I haven't researched this issue, I know
that I could cut-and-paste or view source or a number of other
relatively manual processes.  However, all of those are much more
time-consuming than tapping the PF key to "print" and send the output
back to my VM system.  I will also miss this function for being able to
print and archive old PMR text so that I can find old problems after
IBMLink deletes them (28 days).  The ability to use a text mode browser
might improve this but I am not aware of a text mode browser that
handles https.

The other significant productivity hit is the lack of shortcuts to get
between functions.  The point-and-click option requires a lot more
waiting for transitions between tasks in IBMLink.

I first heard about the probability of the 3270 interface being
discontinued in October 2003 from someone in the IBMLink development
team. I mentioned these issues then and, while the web interface has
improved, these functions still do not exist.  I guess customer
requirements aren't as important as they used to be.  (sigh!)

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213    Fax: (614) 677-0821

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