I've been watching the various postings on the new IBMLink with interest and I feel that I've not been supportive by not having added my voice to the chorus of protest, but I've felt that we're fighting a losing battle. I once had green screen IBMLink. I could do wondrous things with it, more often in VSE than in VM. Then I left that job and no longer had IBMLink until I went to work for an IBM business partner who had the new IBMLink. I hated it for all the reasons that have been mentioned. I no longer work for the business partner and at the moment I don't have IBMLink anywhere. I've made use of some of the publicly available urls to answer some of my questions (Kris posted a url yesterday that typifies what nowadays seems to be available to everyone), and I've appreciated the fact that I can get to these tools with no special permissions. But I feel that I can no longer do the kind of active support for my software that I was able to do with the old IBMLink.

Calling for support these days can be a really frustrating experience compared to the old days. Luckily if I call for VSE or VM product defect support I usually am able to talk to someone who's helpful and knowledgeable. I empathize with Alan when he tried to call about IBMLink 2000. I can feel my blood pressure rise when I read the paragraph quoted below. I've come to the conclusion that upper IBM management is trying to move all its customers to the PC/Microsoft model of software support: apply the latest service level, cross your fingers, and be quiet if all hell breaks loose. After all, you took the risk by applying the service, and aren't you able to back it out? I'm not suggesting for one moment that this is the attitude of the VM or VSE labs (and it's probably not even the attitude of the OS/390 folks, but I never speak with them), but it's undoubtedly the attitude of people who populate the highest levels in IBM, who foist IBMLink 2000 on us as if it's an improvement, and who direct our concerns to someone in another country who has absolutely no experience doing the work we do and who, no matter how motivated he or she might be to provide excellent service, is absolutely incapable of understanding our problem.

Probably one of the things that's most irritating is the way advances like this are portrayed as if they're all in the service of progress, veritable gifts from the gods. It's a newspeak that at times can become almost frightening (one thinks of Healthy Forests and Clear Skies, but here I'm afraid I'm veering off the subject into verboten territory).

This is why people of our age look toward retirement with renewed interest.

     - Tom.

At 03:54 PM 1/8/2007, you wrote:

How do I do this in IBMLink 2000?

I called their 800 number and spent 30 minutes trying to explain my
problem to someone in India who knew absolutely nothing about ESOs. He
said level 2 would call me back, but I am still waiting.

Is it any wopnder I hate IBMLink 2000?

Tom Cluster
County of Sonoma
Santa Rosa, CA
(707) 565-3384 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays only)

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