On 10 Jan 2007 at 16:14, Steve Gentry wrote:

> I have an EXEC I want to run but I need to be sure the user has a 
> certain amount of virtual storage before it can run. 
> I can get this information with PIPE and a Q V STOR. 
> If the storage is less than 50M then I want to increase the storage 
> to 50M. Then I want the EXEC to continue on. 
> Here is the code snippet. 
> 'cp define stor 50m' || '15'x || 'I CMS' || '15'x || 'srgmod' 
> mod_name 
> The define stor works ok, the I CMS works ok but it won't run the 
> srgmod EXEC (mod_name is an arg I supply) 
> Is this because when the I CMS runs it clears storage, resets 
> pointers or something? 
> If so, is there a way I can accomplish this? 
> Thanks, 
> Steve G. 

How about:
1) adding ''srgmod" to the user's PROFILE EXEC
2) 'cp define stor 50m' || '15'x || 'I CMS PARM AUTOCR'
3) have the exec REMOVE ITSELF from the profile!!

(Or set up a front end to do all three)

Shimon Lebowitz                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM System Programmer           .
Israel Police National HQ.     http://www.poboxes.com/shimonpgp
Jerusalem, Israel              phone: +972 2 542-9877  fax: 542-9308

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