"Fiddling" with the user's PROFILE EXEC might be easier using the 
following code (I don't remember where I got it - but probably from 
someone on this list). 

The initiating command could 'CP DEFINE STOR 50M' || '15'x || 'CP IPL CMS 

The code added to the user's PROFILE EXEC (and it can't, as written, be 
some EXEC called from PROFILE) could look like... 
/* Find how far back SYSPROF is in calling chain (if at all) */ 
 level = -1 
 do i = 1 
    call csl 'DMSCALLR cslrc callee i' 
    if cslrc = 0 then do 
       if space(callee) = 'EXEC SYSPROF' then do 
          level = i-1 
    else leave 
 /* If SYSPROF is a caller, get its vars */ 
 if level >= 0 then do 
    'PIPE (endchar ! name iplparms)', 
       '| rexxvars' level, 
       '| drop 1', 
       '| specs 3-* 1', 
       '| join 1 Xfe', 
       '| specs Xfe 1 /SYSPROF._/ next  1-* next', 
       '| varload' 
    /* Some things you might do with SYSPROF's vars: */ 
    insparms = strip(left(sysprof._insparms,64)) 
    say 'IPL parms:' insparms                   /* Just to show some 
SYSPROF stuff */ 
    if sysprof._insflags <> '' & sysprof._insflags <> 'AUTOCR' 
    then say 'INSFLAGS:' sysprof._insflags      /* Just to show some 
SYSPROF stuff */ 
    if sysprof._cp_keyword <> 'NOTREIPL' 
    then say 'CP_KEYWORD:' sysprof._cp_keyword  /* Just to show some 
SYSPROF stuff */ 
    if symbol('SYSPROF._USR_CMD') = 'VAR' 
    then if sysprof._usr_cmd <> '' 
    then say 'First command:' sysprof._usr_cmd  /* Just to show some 
SYSPROF stuff */ 
in the user's PROFILE EXEC, you should then be able to (untested):
parse var iplparms left 'RUNCMD{'runcmd'}' right   /* Extract just the 
command */
iplparms=left right               /* Replace IPLPARMS var without runcmd 
stuff */
runcmd                                      /* Execute passed command, or 
NOP  */

Mike Walter 
Hewitt Associates 
Any opinions expressed herein are mine alone and do not necessarily 
represent the opinions or policies of Hewitt Associates.

"Kris Buelens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
01/10/2007 03:21 PM
Please respond to
"The IBM z/VM Operating System" <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>


Re: PIPE, CMS kind of question.

You can only chain CP commands together...
You'd need to fiddle with the user's PROFILE EXEC to make it run the EXEC.

And, you should use IPL CMS PARM AUTOCR as to avoid the user ends in VM 

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

2007/1/10, Steve Gentry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 

I have an EXEC I want to run but I need to be sure the user has a certain 
amount of virtual storage before it can run. 
I can get this information  with PIPE and a  Q  V  STOR. 
If the storage is less than 50M then I want to increase the storage to 
50M.  Then I want the EXEC to continue on. 
Here is the code snippet. 

'cp define stor 50m' || '15'x || 'I CMS' || '15'x || 'srgmod' mod_name 

The define stor  works ok, the I CMS works ok but it won't run the srgmod 
EXEC  (mod_name is an arg I supply) 
Is this because when the I CMS runs it clears storage, resets pointers or 
If so, is there a way I can accomplish this? 

Steve G. 

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