On Thursday, 01/11/2007 at 10:21 CST, Alan Ackerman 
> I was hoping I wouldn't have to convert. Silly of me to expect them to 
come to 
> their senses.

Everyone else gets to webify their "legacy" apps, so why not IBM?  We have 
internal app development shops that are looking for ways to cut support & 
development costs, too.  And those new hires out of college are certainly 
not very good at 3270 programming, you know....  ;-)

That the 3270 interface on IBMLink remained for 7 years (long past the 
original sunset schedules) is a testimonial to the IBMLink team's 
committment to you.  They fought to keep it.  Quite reasonably, TPTB don't 
like redundant investments and I was gratified by their ability to keep 
both interfaces running for so long.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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