On Friday, 01/12/2007 at 10:33 CST, Mike Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> The point is we are customers.  We should not need to know IBM-internal
> buzzwords

AMEN!  EVERY ONE of you who doesn't like what IBMLink 2000 is/isn't doing 
needs to send in Feedbacks.  Likewise, if you LIKE something, let them 
know that, too.  Why?  So it won't go away!

Find your z/OS brethren.  Get THEM to send in THEIR feedbacks.  I've 
already commented on how to deal with responsiveness issues.

>, and certainly when trying to place an order we should be able
> to do so swiftly, selecting from a menu of products or service.

No argument from me.

> The other point is: does it REALLY cost IBM anything significant to
> support a stable application?

Yes.  If you are going to support it, then you must have the ability to
- reproduce the problem in-house
- alter the application
- test the application

> Perhaps just "functionally stabilizing" it,
> and telling us we have to look for new features in IBMLink 2000 would
> suffice.  We could continue to use the legacy (i.e "productive") tool 
> what we've always used it for, and get familiar with IBMLink (and report
> feature failures if it actually helps) for new features.

That leaves two interfaces to the backends.  That means the backend or an 
extra layer of middleware must support this access method.  You can't make 
changes to them without consideration for the 3270 side that is 
"stablized".  Regression testing is then required.  There goes the idea of 
zero-cost maintenence.  And I say this as a 12-year veteran of System 
Test.  If something is stabilized, that means no new function BUT the old 
function remains usable.  THAT means testing changes to ensure you haven't 
broken it.

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."  One of two things will 
happen: You'll change your process to conform to the abilities of the 
tool, or you will change the tool to conform to your process.  Naturally, 
in the real world, some of both will happen, but decide which you would 
prefer more of and then take action to achieve that goal.  If you choose 
not to persevere with Feedbacks and dialog, then your process will change 
far more than the tool will.

I wish the 3270 interface would remain for you, too.  (I don't get access 
to either one.  :-(  )  Since the announcement, I'm sure that all of the 
Feedbacks the 3270 users have opened with their [detailed and specific] 
objections are being reviewed.  Ummm.... all y'all *did* open Feedbacks, 
right?  Not just blowing off steam here?  BTW, I'm guessing that "3270 is 
better. Long live 3270." is probably not going to get any attention. 
Explain *why* 3270 is better for *you*.  Be specific.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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