
The last I checked, level 2 was in the process of opening the APAR.   Once
it's open,
I would expect an official PTF should be available in a week or so, which
will make it
correctively available.  We will make certain that PTF ends up on the next
RSU.  Sorry,
I do not know when the next RSU is scheduled to be built.

As for the problem appearing on every PERFKIT in the world ... well, that's
an odd one.
The problem appears to pop up on more systems than not, but several of our
test systems have been running all day today without encountering any
I have no idea why they are not hitting it.  The TOD validity checks
occurred in two
places in the PERFKIT MODULE, in the DSPACESH and UCOMM commands/reports.
I have not verified whether those test systems that stayed up were using
either of these.
If they were not, then that could explain why they have stayed up.

With regard to the TOD when the failure began, I misspoke (mistyped?).
The information
I was using in my original append had several TOD values in it, one of
which was Noon
on 14 January.  If you convert 'C0000000 00000000' into wall clock time, I
believe it is
actually close to Noon on 13 January.  Sorry for the confusion.

Mike Donovan

             Jim Bohnsack                                              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
             du>                                                        To
             Sent by: The IBM          IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU         
             z/VM Operating                                             cc
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject
             ARK.EDU>                  Re: Performance Toolkit         
             01/15/2007 03:55                                          
             Please respond to                                         
               The IBM z/VM                                            
             Operating System                                          
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         


That did the job-at least PERFSVM has run for a few hours now.  I'll be
ordering z/VM 5.2 soon.  How long will it take to get this fix into the
distribution or at least the PSP bucket or on an RSU?

Just out of curiosity, is this something that hits every PerfTK user in
the world?

Your post said that it occurred on Jan. 14.  The abend I saw was on Jan.
13 at 14:58 EST.


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