Folks, R440 is OUT OF SERVICE, and if you want "extended service" for R44
then let us know and we can get someone to contact you.
Thie particular PERFKIT R440 "fix" is something we discussed quite a 
bit 'in-house' and thought it was the 'right thing' to make this availabl
to our Perfkit R440 customers, as they are migrating to R5x0. 
 We *will not* be continueing this, meaning making COR available for the 

R440 of Perfkit, as R440 is 'out of service'.  This is a 1 time thing tha
we felt we should fix, since we do have alot of you folks still running 

R440 while migrating to R510/R520, and without this fix your Perfkit coul
very well be dead in the water.  We would really like to know about you 

R440 customers out there, which is the reason Kurt asked to be notified 

when you get the Perfkit R440 fix.
I expect these fixes to TIMEOUT from our WEBSITE in the near future, at 

which time the PTF should be available.  However, the R440 will probably 

be made available as an 'unsupported local mod/circ' for this, off of the
PERFKIT WEB page only, at  (which I am sur
all you PERFKIT users have marked!).  
We will provide updates when this takes place.
Of course, any concerns please call into the support center!
Thanks for working with us on this one. 
Best Regards, Roger Lunsford (IBM PERFKIT Level2/Level3)

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